This sections contains module documentation of explorer module.
Class for Explorer frame.
Attributes :
- _instance - instance reference
- _instance_created - bool, True if created
- _root - Gui instance reference
- _trn - Translator instance reference
- _config - Config instance reference
- _editor - Editor instance reference
- _logger - Logger instance reference
- _yoda_tree - YodaTree instance reference
- _autocompleter - AutoCompleter instance reference
- _projects - projects configuration
- _tree - TreeView with project tree
- _vsb - VerticalBar
- _hsb - HorizontalBar
- _menu - context menu
- _menu_new - context submenu
Properties (Getters) :
- root - returns _root
- trn - returns _trn
- config - returns _config
- editor - returns _editor
- logger - returns _logger
- yoda_tree - returns _yoda_tree
- autocompleter - returns _autocompleter
Methods :
- __init__
Constructor, singleton pattern. Initialize references and GUI, parse configuration.
- get_instance
Returns instance reference, singleton pattern.
- _parse_config
Method parses configuration, gets projects and populates tree.
- _set_gui
Method initializes GUI, tree, scrollbars, context menu.
- _set_menu
Method initializes context menu.
- _autoscroll
Method provides automatic scrolling for tree position.
- _context_menu
Method displays context menu.
- _populate_project
Method populates requested project.
- _populate_tree
Method populates tree, project is root, directories are nodes, files are leafs.
- _update_tree
Method updates tree content.
- new_file
Method creates new file vie editor method.
- new_project
Method asks for directory and creates project. If project doesn’t exist method prepares initial structure. Windows: root directory is created via dialog, Linux: directory is created via method (dialog provides path). Otherwise the project is only added to explorer and configuration. Project modules are added to PYTHONPATH.
- new_directory
Method asks for directory and refreshes project tree. Windows: directory is created via dialog, Linux: directory is created via method (dialog provides path).
- _new_template_file
Method creates new file from template and opens tab. Filepath is provided via dialog.
- new_helper
Method creates helper file from template.
- new_library
Method creates library file from template.
- new_test
Method creates test file from template.
- new_archive
Method creates archive file from template.
- new_draft
Method creates draft file from template.
- _open
Method opens tab with tab content, filepath gets from tree. If file is already open it selects tab only.
- _copy
Method copies file from tree, path is stored to clipboard.
- _paste
Method pastes to tree, path is read from clipboard.
- _delete
Method deletes file or directory from tree and refreshes tree. Method asks for confirmation. If file is open it closes appropriate tab.
- refresh
Method refreshes requested part of tree.