This sections contains module documentation of main benchmark modules. Benchmark extension is bundled with hydratk (not standalone extension).
Modules provides class Extension inherited from class hydratk.core.extension.Extension. Unit tests available at hydratk/extensions/benchmark/benchmark/01_methods_ut.jedi
Attributes :
- _groups - test group to execute, default all
- _cycles - test cycles, default 20
- _outfile - output filename, dafault not generated
- _enable_gc - enable garbage collector, default False
- _result - test execution results
- _test_groups - test groups modules mapping
Methods :
- _init_extension
Method sets extension metadata (id, name, version, author, year).
- _register_actions
Method registers action hooks.
commands - benchmark long options - bench-groups, bench-cycles, bench-out, bench-gc
- run_benchmark
Method handles command benchmark. It parses command options bench-groups, bench-cycles, bench-out, bench-gc. Default values are taken from configuration parameters groups (all), cycles (20), outfile (None), enable_gc (False). It fires event benchmark_start, calls method run_test_groups and fires event benchmark_finish.
- run_test_groups
Method executes requested test groups and prints report.
- run_test_group
Method executes tests in given test group. Tests are stored in separate module which is imported. It returns test group results as dictionary.
- run_test
Method executes given test. It uses class Timer from module timeit. Test code is imported in setup script. Test is executed several times according to option cycles. Garbage collector is enabled/disabled according to option enable_gc. It returns test results as list (execution times in milliseconds).
- gen_report
Method generates report in CSV format and stores it to file according to option outfile.
- calc_stats
Method calculates statistic parameters from execution times. Mean, median, minimum, maximum, variance, standard deviation, 1st quartile, 3rd quartile.
- print_report
Method prints report as formatted table (sorted by group, test). Statistic parameters are displayed only (not execution times).