This sections contains module documentation of console modules.
Module provides class CmdOptParser inherited from argparse.ArgumentParser. Unit tests available at hydratk/lib/console/cmdoptparser/01_methods_ut.jedi
Attributes :
- _silent
- _set_opts
- _unreg_opts
- _opt_group - default option group
- _options - dictionary of options which belong to option group
Methods :
- error
Method raises CmdOptParserError
- set_default_opt_group
Method sets _opt_group if configured in options. Otherwise it raises CmdOptParserUndefined.
- add_opt_group
Method sets new option group (new key in _options).
from hydratk.lib.console.cmdoptparser import CmdOptParser op = CmdOptParser() group = 'test' op.add_opt_group(group)
- _add_opt
Methods sets new option for given group (automatically created if not set). If option already exists CmdOptParserError is raised. Method can set single option or list. Option supports several configuration parameters.
d_option is target option (multiple option aliases can point to same target, can be used for short and long options). has_value is used for options with expected value (False by default used for switches). allow_multiple is used for options that can have multiple values (False by default for options with single value).
When you want to set list options you must specify the configuration [{‘option’:option, ‘dest’:d_option, ‘action’:action}]. action can be store_true (switches), store (single value), append (multiple values).
# single option without value group, opt = 'test', '-x' res = op._add_opt(opt, opt_group=group) # single option with value d_opt, has_value, allow_multiple = 'x', True, False res = op._add_opt(opt, d_opt, has_value, allow_multiple, group) # option with multiples value allow_multiple = True res = op._add_opt(opt, d_opt, has_value, allow_multiple, group) # multiple options opt = [] opt[0] = {'option': options[0], 'dest': 'x', 'action': 'store'} opt[1] = {'option': options[1], 'dest': 'y', 'action': 'store'} res = op._add_opt(opt, opt_group=group)
- add_opt
Method is simplified interface for method _add_opt.
Module provides class CommandlineTool with static methods for operation with command line. Unit tests available at hydratk/lib/console/commandlinetool/01_methods_ut.jedi
Attributes :
- _title - help title
- _cp_string - copyright
- _commands - list of commands
- _long_opt - list of long options
- _short_opt - list of short options
- _cmd_text - help for commands
- _opt_text - help for options
- _trn - reference to Translator
- _parser
Methods :
- set_translator
Method sets _trn, reference to Translator.
- set_possible_commands
Method sets _commands.
- set_possible_options
Method sets _long_opt, _short_opt.
- set_help
Method sets attributes for help (_title, _cp_string, _cmd_text, _opt_text).
- print_short_help
Method prints help in short form using method create_short_help.
- print_help
Method prints help in long form using method create_help.
- get_command_options_desc
Method returns options description for given command.
- get_input_command
Method checks if passed command (in sys.argv) is registered in _commands.
- create_short_help
Method prepares help in short form (default output when no command is provided).
- create_help
Method prepares in help in long form (output for command help). list of commands and their options including description.
- parse_shell_text
Method formats text to be printed. Special characters {h}, {u}, {e} are replaced by console highlighting.