Tutorial 1: DB interface

Sample Yoda script is located in /var/local/hydratk/yoda/yoda-tests/hydratk/extensions/testenv/sys_db.jedi. Sample smoke test is located in smoke.jedi.

Important snippets are commented.


# import helpers
import yodahelpers.hydratk.extensions.testenv.helpers as hlp

# create DB client instance and connect
client = hlp.db()
res = client.connect() # returns bool


# returns bool


# create customer
name = 'Vince Neil'
status = 'active'
segment = 2
birth_no = '700101/0001'
reg_no = '12345'
tax_no = 'CZ12345'

# returns generated id
cust = client.create_customer(name, segment, status, birth_no, reg_no, tax_no)

# read created customer, returns Customer object
print client.read_customer(cust)
# id:1|name:Vince Neil|status:active|segment:2|birth_no:700101/0001|reg_no:12345|tax_no:CZ12345

# change customer
name = 'Charlie Bowman'
status = 'suspend'
segment = 3
birth_no = '700101/0002'
reg_no = '1234'
tax_no = 'CZ1234'

# returns bool
res = client.change_customer(cust, name, status, segment, birth_no, reg_no, tax_no)


# create payer
name = 'Vince Neil'
status = 'active'
billcycle = 1
bank_account = '123456/0100'
customer = cust

# returns generated id
pay = client.create_payer(name, billcycle, customer, status, bank_account)

# read created payer, returns Payer object
print client.read_payer(pay)
# id:1|name:Vince Neil|status:active|billcycle:1|bank_account:123456/0100|customer:1

# change payer
name = 'Charlie Bowman'
status = 'suspend'
billcycle = 2
bank_account = '654321/0800'

# returns bool
res = client.change_payer(pay, name, status, billcycle, bank_account)


# create subscriber
name = 'Vince Neil'
msisdn = '773592179'
status = 'active'
market = 1
tariff = 433
customer = cust
payer = pay

# returns generated id
subs = client.create_subscriber(name, msisdn, market, tariff, customer, payer, status)

# read created subscriber, returns Subscriber object
print client.read_subscriber(subs)
# id:1|name:Vince Neil|msisdn:773592179|status:active|market:1|tariff:433|customer:1|payer:1

# change subscriber
name = 'Charlie Bowman'
msisdn = '603404746'
status = 'suspend'
market = 2
tariff = 434

# returns bool
res = client.change_subscriber(subs, name, msisdn, status, market, tariff)


# create contact
name = 'Vince Neil'
phone = '12345'
email = 'aaa@xxx.com'

# returns generated id
con = client.create_contact(name, phone, email)

# read created contact, returns Contact object
# id:1|name:Vince Neil|phone:12345|email:aaa@xxx.com|roles#

# change contact
name = 'Charlie Bowman'
phone = '123456'
email = 'bbb@xxx.com'

# returns bool
res = client.change_contact(con, name, phone, email)

# assign contact role
# returns bool
client.assign_contact_role(con, 'contract', customer=cust)
client.assign_contact_role(con, 'invoicing', payer=pay)
client.assign_contact_role(con, 'contact', subscriber=subs)

# read contact with roles
print client.read_contact(con)
# id:1|name:Charlie Bowman|phone:123456|email:bbb@xxx.com|roles#id:1|title:contract|customer:1|payer:None|subscriber:None
# id:1|title:invoicing|customer:None|payer:1|subscriber:None#id:1|title:contact|customer:None|payer:None|subscriber:1#

# revoke contact role
# returns bool
client.revoke_contact_role(con, 'contract', customer=cust)
client.revoke_contact_role(con, 'invoicing', payer=pay)
client.revoke_contact_role(con, 'contact', subscriber=subs)


# create address
street = 'Tomickova'
street_no = '2144/1'
city = 'Praha'
zip = 14900

# returns generated id
addr = client.create_address(street, street_no, city, zip)

# read cread address, returns Address object
# id:1|street:Tomickova|street_no:2144/1|city:Praha|zip:14900|roles#

# change address
street = 'Babakova'
street_no = '2152/6'
city = 'Praha 4'
zip = 14800

# returns bool
client.change_address(addr, street, street_no, city, zip)

# assign address role
# returns bool
client.assign_address_role(addr, 'contract', customer=cust)
client.assign_address_role(addr, 'invoicing', payer=pay)
client.assign_address_role(addr, 'contact', subscriber=subs)
client.assign_address_role(addr, 'delivery', contact=con)

# read address with roles
print client.read_address(addr)
# id:1|street:Babakova|street_no:2152/6|city:Praha 4|zip:14800|roles#id:1|title:contract|contact:None|customer:1|payer:None|subscriber:None
# id:1|title:invoicing|contact:None|customer:None|payer:1|subscriber:None#id:1|title:contact|contact:None|customer:None|payer:None|subscriber:1
# id:1|title:delivery|contact:1|customer:None|payer:None|subscriber:None#

# revoke address role
# returns bool
client.revoke_address_role(addr, 'contract', customer=cust)
client.revoke_address_role(addr, 'invoicing', payer=pay)
client.revoke_address_role(addr, 'contact', subscriber=subs)
client.revoke_address_role(addr, 'delivery', contact=con)


# create service
service = 615
subscriber = subs
status = 'active'
params = {}
params[121] = '123456'

# returns bool
client.create_service(service, subscriber=subscriber, status=status, params=params)

# read service, returns list of Service object
print client.read_services(subscriber=subscriber)[0]
# id:615|name:Telefonni cislo|status:active|params#121:123456#

# change service
service = 615
subscriber = subs
status = 'deactive'
params = {}
params[121] = '603404746'

# returns bool
client.change_service(service, subscriber=subscriber, status=status, params=params)