Tutorial 6: JMS¶
This sections shows several examples how to use JMS client.
Module hydratk.lib.network.jms.client
Method JMSClient is factory method which requires attribute engine to create proper JMSClient object instance. Additional attributes are passed as args, kwargs.
Supported protocols:
- JMS: module jms_client
- STOMP: module stomp_client
- AMQP: module amqp_client
- MQTT: module mqtt_client
connect: connect to JMS provider
disconnect: disconnect from JMS provider
send: send message to queue|topic (MQTT supports topic only)
receive: receive message from queue (from topic for MQTT)
browse: browse queue, not supported for MQTT
close: stop JVM, supported for JMS
API uses HydraTK core functionalities so it must be running.
Part of JMS client library is implemented in Java as a wrapper application which uses Java JMS API. Python client library uses Java bridge to create Java object instance. Specific Java libraries are needed to access JMS providers (WebLogic, HornetQ, OpenMQ, ActiveMQ etc.). JMS API has no low level communication protocol specification so there is no universal client library. These libraries are not bundled with hydratk.
After installation do following actions: 1. Check that directory /var/local/hydratk/java was created and contains files: JMSClient.java, JMSClient.class, JMSMessage.class, javaee.jar 2. Store specific client jar file to same directory (i.e. activemq-all-5.13.0.jar).
JMS is not supported for PyPy due to module JPype1.
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.jms.client as jms # initialize client client = jms.JMSClient('JMS', verbose=True) # connect to server properties = {} properties['provider_url'] = 'tcp://localhost:61616' properties['initial_context_factory'] = 'org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory' # returns bool client.connect('ConnectionFactory', properties) # send message headers = {} headers['JMSCorrelationID'] = '3141592654-xxx' headers['JMSType'] = 'sample' # returns bool client.send('dynamicQueues/HydraQueue', 'xxx', headers=headers) # browse queue, search messages of given JMS type messages = client.browse('dynamicQueues/HydraQueue', jms_type='sample') # receive multiple messages messages = client.receive('dynamicQueues/HydraQueue', cnt=5) # disconnect from server # returns bool client.disconnect() # stop JVM client.close()
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.jms.client as jms # initialize client client = jms.JMSClient('STOMP') # connect to server # returns bool client.connect('localhost', 61613, 'admin', 'password') # send message headers = {} headers['JMSCorrelationID'] = '3141592654-xxx' headers['JMSType'] = 'sample' # returns bool client.send('HydraQueue', 'xxx', headers=headers) # browse queue, search messages of given JMS type messages = client.browse('HydraQueue', cnt=3, jms_type='pokusny') # receive multiple messages messages = client.receive('HydraQueue', cnt=5) # disconnect from server # returns bool client.disconnect()
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.jms.client as jms # initialize client client = jms.JMSClient('AMQP') # connect to server # returns bool client.connect('localhost', 5672, 'admin', 'password') # send message headers = {} headers['JMSCorrelationID'] = '3141592654-xxx' headers['JMSType'] = 'sample' # returns bool client.send('HydraQueue', 'xxx', headers=headers) # browse queue, search messages of given JMS type messages = client.browse('HydraQueue', cnt=3, jms_type='pokusny') # receive multiple messages messages = client.receive('HydraQueue', cnt=5) # disconnect from server # returns bool client.disconnect()
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.jms.client as jms # initialize client client = jms.JMSClient('MQTT') # connect to server # returns bool client.connect('localhost', 1883, 'admin', 'password') # send message (only topic is supported) # returns bool client.send('HydraTopic', 'xxx') # receive multiple messages # messages are received asynchronously (must be sent to topic during wait timeout) messages = client.receive('HydraTopic', cnt=5) # disconnect from server # returns bool client.disconnect()