This sections contains module documentation of main testenv modules.
Module provides bootstrapper (method run_app) for TestEnv extension. You can run it in standalone mode using method command testenv (i.e. installed to /usr/local/bin/testenv). Unit tests available at hydratk/extensions/testenv/bootstrapper/01_methods_ut.jedi
Modules provides class Extension inherited from class hydratk.core.extension.Extension. Unit tests available at hydratk/extensions/testenv/testenv/01_methods_ut.jedi
Methods :
- _init_extension
Method sets extension metadata (id, name, version, author, year).
- _check_dependencies
Method checks if all required modules are installed.
- _uninstall
Method returns additional uninstall data.
- _register_actions
Methods registers actions hooks according to profile htk (default mode) or testenv (standalone mode)
- _register_htk_actions
Method registers action hooks for default mode.
commands - te-install, te-run
- _register_standalone_actions
Method registers action hooks for standalone mode.
commands - install, help, help long options - spec, input, output, action, element, envelope global options - config, debug, debug-channel, language, run-mode, force, interactive, home
- install_db_fc
Method handles command te-install. It reads location of database file from configuration (/var/local/hydratk/testenv/testenv.db3). If database is already installed the methods delete it. Database is installed using script install_db.sql (located in /var/local/hydratk/testenv).
htk te-install testenv install
- start_fc
Method handles command te-run. If database is not ready it installs it using method install_db_fc. Then in starts web server.
htk te-run testenv run
Configuration is stored in /etc/hydratk/conf.dhydratk-ext-testenv.conf
- server_ip - IP address of web server (default
- server_port - web server port (default 8888)
- ext_dir - directory where database is stored (including installation script, default /var/local/hydratk/testenv)
- db_file - database filename (default testenv.db3)