This sections contains module documentation of bugzilla module.
Module provides class Client. It uses hydratk.lib.network.rest.client.RESTClient for communication with server. Unit tests available at hydratk/extensions/trackapps/bugzilla/01_methods_ut.jedi
Attributes :
- _mh - MasterHead reference
- _client - RESTClient object instance
- _url - server url
- _user - username
- _passw - password
- _token - token provided by server after connection
- _return_fields - list of returned fields
- _default_values - dictionary of default values
- _is_connected - bool, connection status
Properties (Getters) :
- client - returns _client
- url - returns _url
- user - returns _user
- passw - returns _passw
- token - returns _token
- return_fields - returns _return_fields
- default_values - returns _default_values
- is_connected - returns _is_connected
- __init__
Method initializes RESTClient. Sets _url, _user, _passw, _return_fields, _default_values if configured.
- connect
Method connects to server. First it fires event track_before_connect where parameters (url, user, passw) can be rewritten. Sends GET request to URL /rest.cgi/login with authentication parameters. Server replies with JSON (token included). After that it fires event track_after_connect and returns bool.
from hydratk.extensions.trackapps.bugzilla import Client c = Client() url, user, passw = 'https://app.devzing.com/demo/bugzilla', 'demo@devzing.com', 'password' res = c.connect(url, user, passw)
- disconnect
Method disconnect from server. It sends GET request to URL /rest.cgi/logout with token parameter. After that it returns bool.
res = c.disconnect()
- read
Method reads records on server. First it fires event track_before_read where parameters (id, fields, query, limit, offset) can be rewritten. query is dictionary see Bugzilla documentation. It sends GET request to URL /rest.cgi/bug with parameters id, limit, offset, query. Server replies with JSON, records are stored in element bugs. After that it fires event track_after_read and returns tuple of bool, list of dictionary.
# concrete record id = 40 res, recs = c.read(id) # return fields fields = ['creator', 'id', 'product', 'summary'] res, recs = c.read(id, fields) # query res, recs = c.read(query={'product': 'FooBar', 'summary': 'hydra'}) # limit res, recs = c.read(limit=5) # offset res, recs = c.read(limit=1, offset=offset-2)
- create
Method create record on server. First it fires event track_before_create where parameter params can be rewritten. It sends POST request to URL /rest.cgi/bug with JSON body prepared from params. Server replies with JSON containing id. After that it fires event track_after_create and returs id of created record.
params = {'summary': 'test hydra', 'version': '1', 'product': 'FooBar', 'component': 'Bar'} id = c.create(params)
- update
Method updates record on server. First it fires event track_before_update where parameters (id, params) can be rewritten. It sends PUT request to URL /rest.cgi/bug/id. Server replies with JSON. After that it fires event track_after_update and returns bool.
res = c.update(id, {'summary': 'test hydra 2'})