Tutorial 1: Database¶
This sections shows several examples how to use database client.
Module hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client.
Method DBClient is factory method which requires attribute engine to create proper DBClient object instance. Additional attributes are passed as args, kwargs.
Supported engines:
- SQLite - module sqlite_client
- Oracle - module oracle_client
- MySQL - module mysql_client
- PostgreSQL - module postgresql_client
- JDBC - module jdbc_client
- MSSQL - module mssql_client
- Redis - module nosql.redis_client
- MongoDB - module nosql.mongodb_client
- Cassandra - module nosql.cassandra_client
Methods for relational db:
connect: connect to database file (SQLite) or database server (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JDBC)
disconnect: disconnect from database
exec_query: execute query, prepared statements with variable bindings are supported (use ? character)
call_proc: call procedure (has no return param) or function (has return param), supported for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL/MSSQL (procedure only)
commit: commit transaction
rollback: rollback transaction
close: stop JVM, supported for JDBC
API uses HydraTK core functionalities so it must be running.
# import library from hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client import DBClient # initialize client client = DBClient('sqlite') # connect to database # returns bool client.connect(db_file='/home/lynus/hydratk/testenv.db3') # select records from table # returns bool, list of rows res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT * FROM LOV_STATUS') for row in rows: print row # insert record to table client.exec_query('INSERT INTO LOV_STATUS (id, title) VALUES (4, \'pokus\')') # delete record from table client.exec_query('DELETE FROM LOV_STATUS WHERE id = 4;') # insert record using prepared statement with variable binding client.exec_query('INSERT INTO LOV_STATUS (id, title) VALUES (?, ?)', [4, 'pokus 2']) # delete record using prepared statement with variable binding client.exec_query('DELETE FROM LOV_STATUS WHERE id = ?', [4]) res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT title FROM LOV_STATUS') # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect()
Oracle client is not bundled with HydraTK and must be installed individually.
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client as db # initialize client client = db.DBClient('oracle') # connect to database client.connect(host='localhost', port=49161, sid='XE', user='crm', passw='crm') # select records from table # returns bool, list of rows res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER') for row in rows: print row # call function param_names = ['id', 'name', 'status', 'segment', 'birth_no', 'reg_no', 'tax_no', 'err'] input_values = {'name': 'Charlie Bowman', 'status': 'active', 'segment': 2, 'birth_no': '840809/0009', 'reg_no': '12345', 'tax_no': 'CZ12345'} output_types = {'id': 'int', 'err': 'string'} result_type = 'int' # returns result, output param values dictionary res, params = client.call_proc('crm.customer_pck.f_create', param_names, input_values, output_types, 'func', result_type) # call procedure param_names = ['id', 'name', 'status', 'segment', 'birth_no', 'reg_no', 'tax_no', 'err'] input_values = {'id': id} output_types = {'name': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'segment': 'int', 'birth_no': 'string', 'reg_no': 'string', 'tax_no': 'string', 'err': 'string'} # returns output param values dictionary params = client.call_proc('crm.customer_pck.p_read', param_names, input_values, output_types, 'proc') # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect()
Part of JDBC client library is implemented in Java as a wrapper application which uses Java JDBC API. Python client library uses Java bridge to create Java object instance. Specific Java libraries are needed to access database via JDBC, they are not bundled with hydratk.
After installation do following actions: 1. Check that directory /var/local/hydratk/java was created and contains files: DBClient.java, DBClient.class. 2. Store specific client jar file to same directory (i.e. ojdbc6.jar).
JDBC is not supported for PyPy due to module JPype1.
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client as db # initialize client client = db.DBClient('jdbc', True) # connect to database client.connect(driver='oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver', conn_str='jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:49161/XE', user='crm', passw='crm') # select records from table # returns bool, list of rows res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT * FROM LOV_STATUS') for row in rows: print row # insert record to table client.exec_query('INSERT INTO LOV_STATUS (id, title) VALUES (4, \'pokus\')') # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect() # stop JVM client.stop()
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client as db # initialize client client = db.DBClient('mysql') # connect to database client.connect(host='localhost', port=3306, sid='mysql', user='root', passw='root') # select records from table # returns bool, list of rows res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER') for row in rows: print row # call procedure param_names = ['id', 'name', 'status', 'segment', 'birth_no', 'reg_no', 'tax_no', 'err'] input_values = {'id': id} output_types = {'name': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'segment': 'int', 'birth_no': 'string', 'reg_no': 'string', 'tax_no': 'string', 'err': 'string'} # returns output param values dictionary params = client.call_proc('read_customer', param_names, input_values, output_types, 'proc') # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect()
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client as db # initialize client client = db.DBClient('postgresql') # connect to database client.connect(host='localhost', port=5432, sid='postgre', user='root', passw='root') # select records from table # returns bool, list of rows res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER') for row in rows: print row # call procedure param_names = ['id', 'name', 'status', 'segment', 'birth_no', 'reg_no', 'tax_no', 'err'] input_values = {'id': id} output_types = {'name': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'segment': 'int', 'birth_no': 'string', 'reg_no': 'string', 'tax_no': 'string', 'err': 'string'} # returns output param values dictionary params = client.call_proc('read_customer', param_names, input_values, output_types) # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect()
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client as db # initialize client client = db.DBClient('mssql') # connect to database client.connect(host='', port=1433, sid='test', user='root', passw='root') # select records from table # returns bool, list of rows res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER') for row in rows: print row # call procedure param_names = ['id', 'name', 'status', 'segment', 'birth_no', 'reg_no', 'tax_no', 'err'] input_values = {'id': id} output_types = {'name': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'segment': 'int', 'birth_no': 'string', 'reg_no': 'string', 'tax_no': 'string', 'err': 'string'} # returns output param values dictionary params = client.call_proc('read_customer', param_names, input_values, output_types) # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect()
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client as db # initialize client client = db.DBClient('redis') # connect to database client.connect(host='', port=6379, db=0) # set key, returns bool res = client.set(key, value) # get key, returns str res = client.get(key, value) # check if key exists, returns bool res = client.exists(key) # delete key, returns bool res = client.delete(key) # execute command # returns bool, output res, output = client.exec_command('INCR key')
# import library import hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client as db # initialize client client = db.DBClient('mongodb') # connect to database client.connect(host='', port=27017, db='test') # insert record to database # returns bool, id doc = {"customer": {"name": "Charlie Bowman", "status": "active", "segment": 2, "payer": {"name": "Charlie Bowman", "status": "active"}, "services": [{"id": 615, "status": "active"}, {"id": 619, "status": "suspend"}]}} res, id = client.exec_command('insert', collection='test', document=doc) # find record # returns bool, rows res, rows = client.exec_command('find', collection='test', filter={'_id': id}) # find records using complex filter filter = {"$or": [{"customer.name": "Charlie Bowman"}, {"customer.name": "Vince Neil"}]} res, rows = client.exec_command('find', collection='test', filter=filter) # aggregate records # returns bool, rows filter = [{"$match": {"customer.payer.status": "active"}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$customer.name", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}] res, rows = c.exec_command('aggregate', 'test', filter=filter) # update multiple records # returns bool, modified count doc, filter = {"$set": {"customer.name": "Vince Neil 2"}}, {"customer.name": "Vince Neil"} res, count = client.exec_command('update', 'test', document=doc, filter=filter, single=False) # replace record # returns bool, modified count doc, filter = {"customer": {"name": "Vince Neil"}}, {"customer.name": "Vince Neil 2"} res, count = client.exec_command('replace', 'test', doc, filter) # delete record # returns bool, deleted count res, count = client.exec_command('delete', 'test', filter={"customer.name": "Vince Neil"}) # drop collection # returns bool, None res, out = client.exec_command('drop', collection='test') # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect()
# import library from hydratk.lib.network.dbi.client import DBClient # initialize client client = DBClient('cassandra') # connect to database # returns bool client.connect(host='', port=9042, key_space='test') # select records from table # returns bool, list of rows res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT * FROM LOV_STATUS') for row in rows: print row # insert record to table client.exec_query('INSERT INTO LOV_STATUS (id, title) VALUES (4, \'pokus\')') # delete record from table client.exec_query('DELETE FROM LOV_STATUS WHERE id = 4;') # insert record using prepared statement with variable binding client.exec_query('INSERT INTO LOV_STATUS (id, title) VALUES (?, ?)', [4, 'pokus 2']) # delete record using prepared statement with variable binding client.exec_query('DELETE FROM LOV_STATUS WHERE id = ?', [4]) res, rows = client.exec_query('SELECT title FROM LOV_STATUS') # disconnect from database # returns bool client.disconnect()