This sections contains module documentation of zap module.


Module zap provides class Client for ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) using external modules python-owasp-zap-v2.4 in version >= 0.0.10, simplejson in version >= 3.8.2.

Unit tests available at hydratk/ext/security/zap/01_methods_ut.jedi

Attributes :

  • _mh - MasterHead reference
  • _client - ZAPv2 object instance
  • _path - path to control script
  • _host - host
  • _port - proxy port

Properties (Getters) :

  • client - returns _client
  • path - returns _path
  • host - returns _host
  • port - returns _port


  • __init__

Method initializes ZAPv2. Sets _path, _host, _port according to configuration. Parameters host, port can be specified in constuctor.

  • start

Method starts proxy. First it fires event zap_before_start. It executes ZAP control script in daemon mode. Proxy path, host, port are read from configuration by default, path can be specified in method parameter. After that it fires event zap_after_start and returns bool.

from import Client

c = Client()
res = c.start('/usr/share/zaproxy/')
  • stop

Method stops proxy. First it fires event zap_before_stop and calls zapv2 method core.shutdown. After that it fires event zap_after_stop and returns bool.

res = c.stop()
  • spider

Method executes spider process on given URL. First it fires event zap_before_spider where parameters url, params can be rewritten. Given parameters are appended to URL as request parameters. It calls zapv2 method spider.scan and waits for completion (background process). Progress status is printed. After that it fires event zap_after_spider and returns tuple (result (bool), count of found urls (int)).

res, cnt = c.spider('http://localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=login.php')
  • scan

Method executes scan process on given URL. This URL must be already known by previous spider execution, otherwise it raises exception. First it fires event zap_before_scan where parameters url, method, params can be rewritten. Given parameters are appended to URL as request parameters in case of GET method or included to request body in case of POST method. It calls zapv2 method ascan.scan and wait for completion (background process). Progress status is printed. After that it fires event zap_after_scan and returns tuple (result (bool), count of found alerts (int)).

params = {'username': 'ZAP', 'password': 'ZAP', 'user-info-php-submit-button': 'View Account Details'}
res, cnt = c.scan('http://localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=user-info.php', params=params)

params = {'username': 'ZAP', 'password': 'ZAP', 'login-php-submit-button': 'Login'}
res, cnt = c.scan('http://localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=user-info.php', method='POST', params=params)
  • export

Method prepares export file for given type and format. First it fires event zap_before_export where parameters out_type, out_format, output, url can be rewritten. Default output filename is type.format if not specified. Parameter url is used for record filtering. Records are returned by zapv2 methods. Following types are supported:

alert - formats html|json|md|xml msg - formats har|json url - format json

After that it fires event zap_after_export and returns tuple (result (bool), output filename (strin)).

# alert
res, out = c.export('alert', 'html', 'alert.html')

# msg
res, out = c.export('msg', 'har', 'msg.har', 'http://localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=login.php')

# url
res, out = c.export('url', 'json', 'url.json')