This sections contains module documentation of adapters/selenium/adapter module.
Module provides class Adapter for adapting Selenium scripts to Yoda format. It uses external module lxml automatically installed together with hydratk-lib-network. Unit tests available at hydratk/extensions/datagen/adapters/selenium/01_methods_ut.jedi
Attributes :
- _mh - MasterHead reference
- _suite - test suite metadata
- _tests - test cases metadata
- _browser - used browser, default Firefox
- _timeout - timeout for wait commands, default 10
Properties (Getters) :
- suite - returns _suite
- tests - returns _tests
- browser - returns _browser
- timeout - returns _browser
Properties (Setters):
- browser - sets _browser
- timeout - sets _timeout
Methods :
- __init__
Method sets MasterHead reference.
- parse_test_suite
Method parses Selenium script (test suite file). First fires event adapter_before_parse_suite where parameters suite, outfile can be rewritten. It uses lxml method fromstring to parse html file and stores metadata to attribute _suite. It uses method parse_test for each test specified in suite. It prepares Yoda script content using method adapt_suite and creates output file. After that fires event adapter_after_parse_suite and returns bool.
- parse_test
Method parses Selenium script (test case file). First fires event adapter_before_parse_test where parameter test can be rewritten. It uses lxml method fromstring to parse html file and stores metadata to attribute _tests. It uses method parse_test for each test specified in suite. After that fires event adapter_after_parse_test and returns bool.
- adapt_suite
Method adapts Selenium suite to Yoda test scenario from template.
- adapt_test
Method adapts Selenium test case to Yoda test case from template.
- adapt_step
Method adapts Selenium test step to Yoda test condition from template. It uses implemented methods from hydratk.lib.bridge.selen module.
- handle_command
Method prepares test condition content. Each Selenium command has configured handler method.
- cmd_alert
Method handles various commands for alert.
- cmd_close
Method handles command close.
- cmd_echo
Method handles command echo.
- cmd_go_back
Method handles command goBack.
- cmd_open
Method handles command open.
- cmd_pause
Method handles command pause.
- cmd_refresh
Method handles command refresh.
- cmd_set
Method handles various commands for element setting.
- cmd_store
Method handles various commands for data store.
- cmd_verify
Method handles various commands for element verification.
- cmd_wait
Method handles various commands for waiting.