This sections contains module documentation of serializer module.
Module provides class Serializer for class serializion to various formats. Unit tests available at hydratk/extensions/datagen/serializer/01_methods_ut.jedi
All methods are static. The methods support special class attributes (optional, see example).
- _order - list of instance attributes names, it defines serialization order, missing attributes are omitted (not serialized)
- _naming - dictionary (key - attribute name, value - new name used in serialization)
Sample classes :
class tst(): _order = ['_a', '_b', '_c', '_d', '_e', '_f', '_g', '_h', '_i'] _naming = {'_a':'a', '_b':'b', '_c':'c', '_d':'d', '_e':'e', '_f':'f', '_g':'g', '_h':'h', '_i':'i'} def __init__(self): self._a = 'a' self._b = 'b' self._c = 1 self._d = tst2() self._e = [1, 2, 3] self._f = ('a', 'b') self._g = {'a':'1'} self._h = [tst2(), tst2()] self._i = {'test1': tst2()} class tst2(): _order = ['_y', '_x'] _naming = {'_x':'x', '_y':'y'} def __init__(self): self._x = 'x' self._y = 2
Methods :
- tostr
Method serializes given object instance to indented string.
from hydratk.extensions.datagen.serializer import Serializer res = Serializer.tostr(tst())
- toxml
Method serializes given object instance to xml string, it uses lxml method tostring with indentation (xml object is generated by method from string).
res = Serializer.toxml(tst())
- tojson
Method serializes given object instance to json string, it uses simplejson method dumps with indentation. It is not supported for Python 2.6 (missing OrderedDict), raises NotImplementedError.
res = Serializer.tojson(tst())
- _get_attrs
Auxiliary method, it returns instance attributes as dictionary.
- _has_attrs
Auxiliary method, it checks if instance has some attributes.
- _tostr
Auxiliary method, it serializes given object to string. Method is called recursively within class traversal. Method automatically indents each level with two spaces. It uses class attributes _order, _naming during serialization.
- _toxml
Auxiliary method, it serializes given object to xml string. Method is called recursively within class traversal. It uses class attributes _order, _naming during serialization.
- _tojson
Auxiliary method, it serializes given object to ordered dictionary. Method is called recursively within class traversal. It uses class attributes _order, _naming during serialization.