This sections contains module documentation of editor module.
Class for Editor frame.
Attributes :
- _instance - instance reference
- _instance_created - bool, True if created
- _root - Gui instance reference
- _trn - Translator instance reference
- _config - Config instance reference
- _logger - Logger instance reference
- _explorer - Explorer instance reference
- _yoda_tree - YodaTree instance reference
- _nb - Notebook instance reference
- _var_show_line_number - bool, show line numbers in text
- _var_show_info_bar - bool, show info bar in text
- _font - font settings
Properties (Getters) :
- root - returns _root
- trn - returns _trn
- config - returns _config
- logger - returns _logger
- explorer - retunrs _explorer
- yoda_tree - returns _yoda_tree
- nb - returns _nb
- var_show_line_number - returns _var_show_line_number
- var_show_info_bar - returns _var_show_info_bar
- font - returns _font
Methods :
- __init__
Constructor, singleton pattern. Initialize references and GUI, parse configuration.
- get_instance
Returns instance reference, singleton pattern.
- _parse_config
Method parses configuration, show line numbers, show info bar, font.
- _set_gui
Method initializes GUI, notebook.
- new_file
Method open new empty tab.
- open_file
Methods read file chosen in dialog, opens new tab with file content and registers file in yoda tree. If file is already open, the tab is only selected.
- save_as_file
Methods asks for file name via dialog and stores current tab content to file.
- save_file
Methods stores current tab content to file. If file is new, Save as dialog is displayed.
- undo
Method updates current tab content 1 step back.
- redo
Method updates current tab content 1 step forward.
- cut
Method deletes selected text and stores it to clipboard.
- copy
Method stores selected text to clipboard.
- paste
Method writes text from clipboard.
- delete
Method deletes selected text.
- select_all
Method selects whole text content.
- save_tabs
Method asks for saving tabs which have not saved changes.
- show_line_number
Method shows or hides line numbers for all tabs according to setting. Configuration is updated.
- show_info_bar
Method shows or hides info bar for all tabs according to setting. Configuration is updated.
- win_goto
Method displays Goto window, textfield.
- _goto
Method highlights requested line from goto window.
- win_find
Method displays Find window, textfield, checkboxes.
- _find
Method searches for requested string from find window and highlights the occurrences.
- win_replace
Method displays Replace window, textfields, checkboxes.
- _replace
Method searches for requested string from replace window. Found occurrences are replaced and highlighted.
- increase_font
Method sets higher font size for all tabs.
- decrease_font
Method sets lower font size for all tabs.
- on_tab_changed
Method updates yoda tree when tab is changed. If current tab contains jedi file, tree is displayed. Otherwise tree is empty.
- refresh_yoda_tree
Method refreshes yoda tree structure.