This sections contains module documentation of syntaxchecker module.
Class for SyntaxChecker.
Attributes :
Methods :
- _init_plugin
Method initializes plugin.
- setup
Method sets plugin menu.
- _check_syntax
Method checks syntax of current file content.
- _check
Method checks text syntax according to file extensions.
- _check_python
Method checks syntax of Python file using compile. Error is read from traceback.
- _check_jedi
Method checks syntax of jedi file, YAML format, Yoda format, Python syntax.
- _reformat_test
Method modified test content, lowercase keys for better parsing.
- _check_scenario
Method checks syntax of test scenario, mandatory tags, test case ordering, python blocks syntax.
- _check_case
Method checks syntax of test case, mandatory tags, test condition ordering, python blocks syntax.
- _check_condition
Method checks syntax of test condition, mandatory tags, python blocks syntax.
- _check_python_block
Method checks syntax of Python block using compile. Error is read from traceback.