This sections contains module documentation of autocompleter module.
Class for code automatic completion. It uses external module jedi
Attributes :
- _instance - instance reference
- _instance_created - bool, True if created
- _root - Gui instance reference
- _config - Config instance reference
- _tab - current FileTab instance reference
- _win - Top window
- _tree - TreeView with code completion
- _vbar - VerticalBar
Properties (Getters) :
- root - returns _root
- config - returns _config
- tab - returns _tab
Methods :
- __init__
Constructor, singleton pattern. Initialize references, parse configuration.
- get_instance
Returns instance reference, singleton pattern.
- _parse_config
Method parses configuration, add modules to PYTHONPATH.
- update_pythonpath
Method add project specific modules to PYTHONPATH.
- _set_gui
Method initializes GUI - window, tree with code autocompletion.
- show_completion
Method shows available code completion for current python or jedi file. When only completion is available, it is completed.
- _complete
Method writes requested code completion to text. Functions and classes are completed also with parameters.