.. _module_hydra_lib_debugging: debugging ========= This sections contains module documentation of debugging modules. simpledebug ^^^^^^^^^^^ Module provides debugging methods. Unit tests available at hydratk/lib/debugging/simpledebug/01_methods_ut.jedi * dmsg Method prints debug message. The text is automatically translated and filled with dynamical parameters. * wmsg Method writes warning message. firepot ^^^^^^^ Modules provides class FirePot which implements FireLogger protocol. Unit tests available at hydratk/lib/debugging/firepot/01_methods_ut.jedi **Attributes** : * _items - list of log records * _enabled - logger state * _levels * _name * _counter * _style **Methods** : All methods are static. * enable Methods set _enabled. * enabled Method returns _enabled. * log Method prepares dictionary of args and stores it to _items. * flush_items Method resets _items to empty list. * get_headers Method transforms _items to dictionary of headers.